More Peas, Thank You Winner!

Another B-E-A-utiful afternoon for a run!

Running1 Running2

However, the bad news is my legs felt like molasses running through quicksand.  Combine that with some anti-histamines already in my system drying me out as I try to fight off an impending allergy attack…needless to say, it was not a great run.  I did happen to see a black racer slither right over this bridge and that sped me up considerably as I RAN THE OTHER WAY!

Running Bridge

After the run, I picked up my Ryman and we headed over to Papa and Gamma’s (my mom and dad’s) for some play time and supper.  If you have ever read my blog before, you know how I feel about my mother’s cooking.  It’s hands down the greatest and that’s all there is to say about that!

Tonight we had grilled pork chops and asparagus, garlic bread, fried potatoes, and homemade applesauce with chocolate chip pound cake for dessert.  It was fantabulous!

Supper Supper1 Supper2

Then we headed right back outside to finish out the beautiful day.

When we got home, I found a package on my doorstep!  A few weeks ago, I won Tina’s Carrots ‘N’ Cake blog More Peas, Thank You cookbook giveaway!  When I opened the package, I was surprised by not only the cookbook, but a tumbler, a fruit-infused water bottle, and an insulated tote!  I get so excited when I get mail anyway, but I was totally surprised to see all the goodies that came with this wonderful vegetarian cookbook.

More Peas More Peas1

I love that the cookbook starts by introducing not only the author, Sarah Matheny, but her family as well and then lists all of her pantry, fridge and freezer basics to help you be prepared to start any of her recipes.  She also has a substitution and a metric conversion section (always helpful) and all of her recipes start with a story and most mention or reflect her faith.  I love it!

I flipped through most of the vegetarian recipes and I’m really excited to try some of the dinner dishes, but this one recipe caught my eye immediately…I mean chocolate and peanut butter.  I think so.


Now it’s off to shower and to the bed…

This was my first EVER giveaway win…Have you ever won a giveaway?

About sugarcoatedsheridan

My name is Beth Sheridan and I am a 30-year-old aspiring health and fitness freak, trying to navigate through a full-time job, a husband, and a 2-year-old boy...a born-again Christian with the firm belief that donuts could in fact be the devil. Enjoy! View all posts by sugarcoatedsheridan

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